Commentary skills

Commentary can take years to master and often the first step into the role is that through the role of the co-commentator. It can be daunting walk in to the comms box, faced with a mic and a panel covered in buttons you don’t understand and then being sat next to someone who seems in total control of what they’re doing.

Our commentary skills coaching, teams you up with a commentator to learn the dos and don’ts and the ‘how, what and why?’ You’ll leave confident and ready to take your first steps into commentary.

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Don't just take our word for it

The service Ian provides is exceptional. We go to him regularly for help with our talent led films. I don’t know how he does it but it always has a hugely beneficial impact on each production. He keeps projects totally confidential, empowers the team and is a delight to work with.

Lucy van Beek
MD, Blakeway London & Blakeway West
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